P4 - Illustrating for Attention

Our next illustration assignment will be to create an image that garners attention and creates interest. The illustration will be used to announce an upcoming event or to promote a book.

Special emphasis will be given to your illustration concept or idea with this class project, as well as the style and craft of the final image.


Creative Brief

The first step after choosing which project you’d like to do, is to create a creative brief for the assignment using the template on the class blog for guidance.

The event may be hypothetical or an actual upcoming activity. The book however, must be actual and relatively known.

You may use the event or the book itself as the sender, but be sure to define what the event is or what the book is about (message), and who the intended audience is.

Be sure to include media and/or physical specifications of the final poster and/or book (cover, spine and back) in your brief.

Be sure to include the actual particulars of the event, and/or the book, as part of the creative brief as well.

Write and layout your creative brief and post it to your individual class blog no later than 8:30 am Tuesday morning, November 7th.


 If you are chomping at the bit to get working on this project, the next step will be to develop a concept or an idea to illustrate from. Start generating ideas with a word list and/or a mind map, then gather subject and object images refencing the words and compose them into an idea board.


Use your research to develop at least a dozen or so quick thumbnail sketches to get your illustration out of your head, down on paper and into the real world.

Next, review your sketches, then choose three that you think have the best potential as an attention-getting visuals. Refine them further into larger tight pencil roughs proportioned to the poster and book cover, but smaller in size.

Post your word list, mind map, and image/idea board, along with your dozen thumbnail sketches and three tight pencil roughs, to your individual class blog no later than 8:30 am Thursday morning, November 9th.

Project Schedule

Illustration Brief Due                                                 Tuesday, November 7th            Post on Blog
- Book Cover or
- Event Poster
Illustration Research/Roughs Due                            Thursday, November 9th           Post on Blog
- Word List, Image Board
- A dozen Thumbnails
- Three Tight Roughs
- Selected Laser proof hung on crit wall
- Critique / Work in Class

Tight Illustration Comp Due                                     Thursday, November 16th         Post on Blog
- Laser proof hung on crit wall
- Critique / Work in Class
- Discussion on Typography

Finished Illustraton with Type Due                           Tuesday, November 21st           Post on Blog
- Laser proof comp hung on crit wall                                                                     
- Critique / Work in Class