A2 - Illustrator Presentation

Part of the process of becoming a good illustrator is knowing who have come before, their process and philosophy, and success. To help facilitate this, you will research, layout and present a 5 minute presentation (PowerPoint/or PDF) on a significant illustrator of  your choice.

Your presentation should include the following information:

– The name of the chosen illustrator, historical, geographic, and educational information about them, and the social and economic context in which he/she worked (s).

– At least a half-dozen large, excellent examples of their work.

– An analysis of one of their illustrations as a message: including a description of the sender (client) of the illustration, the audience the illustration was aimed to, and the message/purpose the illustration was predominately conveying and/or striving for.

– A presentation of the illustrator’s process, his/her creative approach, and the impact it has on their style and message-making. Include examples of concept drawings, sketches, working iterations, finished illustrations, and final applications if possible.

– Any other information you deem important to understanding the illustrator and his/her success.

Note: Blogs are a great place to research and find specific information about illustration work and process. The Illustrator’s Market (theillustratorsmarket.blogspot.com) is a blog with interviews of professionals currently working in the field.

Class presentations will be held the following days by the following students:

Thursday, November 30th
Lily,  Mike, Joe and Marrissa

Tuesday, December 5th
Madison, Tiffinny, Karson, Emily and Deidre

Thursday, December 7th
Shelia, Alicia, Marco, Eric and Thomas

Presentations will be due on your individual class blog no later than:

Thursday, December 7th.