P3c - Spot Illustration

A spot illustration is a small illustration dropped into a body of text. It can be self-contained, or part of a larger illustration collection, such as a spread and a spot illustration, or a group of spots on a page. They are often cropped within a picture frame, but usually appear as vignettes or with no backgrounds.

Phase III of the Narrative Illustration Project will be to create a spot illustration to complement your two-page spread narrative illustration. It will be positioned on page three (or three and four). The illustration should be a 1/4 page size, but not larger than 1/3 page. If you choose a smaller size, the total of the smaller sizes should be equal to 1/4 or 1/3 page size. For example, you could create two 1/8 page spots, or three 1/6 page spots.


Roughs are due Thursday, October 26th.
A finished spot illustration will be due Tuesday, October 31st.
The final illustration with tweaks and refinements will be due Thursday, November 2nd.