P5 - Self-Directed Illustration

The last illustration project for the class will be self-directed. In other words, you will decide what kind of message you want to illustrate — who the sender and audience will be, and what the message and its purpose is — as well as, how the illustration will be disseminated.

Here is an example of a self-directed illustration I recently completed which is part of a series of posters commemorating encounters I have had with wild animals over the course of my life. Part of the approach I took for the project was to deliberately overload Illustrator’s outline width capacity  and RGB and CMYK color discrepancies to explore wild and unexpected visual possibilities.

The first requirement of the assignment will be a written Project Proposal, to include the following:

• A Description, outlining your project including medium and media, ending with a desired learning outcome for your effort

• A specfic Project Brief, defining the illustration’s message, its hypothetical sender and intended audience.

• A proposed Project Schedule for the project with the final illustration due the last day of class, Tuesday, December 12th.

• A brief outline of your proposed Methodology/Approach for the Illustration and why.

The Project Proposal is due posted on your blog the beginning of class, Thursday, November 30th.